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Having your well water supply inspected is crucial. While some contamination issues are obvious to determine either through tastes, scents or discoloration, there are those that are difficult to detect without a professional water inspection. We offer high-quality well water inspections and testing, ensuring to deliver accurate and timely results every time.

Whether you’re buying a new home or think that your own home’s water quality may not be up to par, water testing is a good way to check for dangerous contaminants and bacteria which could be harmful to your health. Water testing is particularly important in older homes, which may use copper pipes and solder that contain high amounts of lead.


What Is Water Testing, And How Does It Work?

The process of water testing is quite simple. First, a qualified inspector will come to your home to take samples of your water. These may be taken from different taps and areas of your home, to ensure that a large sample size is taken.


Then, these water samples will be sent to a certified laboratory. At this laboratory, your water will be tested for certain contaminants like lead and other minerals, as well as bacteria and any other dangerous contaminants. Once the testing is complete, you will receive a full report about your water quality, including any notable dangerous substances that were found. 


What Issues Can Water Testing Detect?

Primarily, your water will be tested for two types of contaminants: minerals and bacteria. 


While trace amounts of minerals in your water are not harmful, The EPA has identified about 80 different contaminants that can impact water quality. Heavy metals and minerals, such as lead, are dangerous. Lead, in particular, can cause long-term damage to the brains and nervous systems of children, and also contributes to issues like low birth weight. In adults, lead can cause kidney dysfunction, heart disease, and infertility. 


Bacteria are also a concern. Common waterborne pathogens like giardia lamblia and other bacteria and microorganisms like protozoa can be dangerous in your water supply, and cause serious illness in both humans and animals. 


Water testing from a professional lab will test for all common bacteria, microorganisms, and other contaminants, and allow you to read a full, comprehensive report outlining everything that has been found in your water supply. 


Why Should I Have My Water Tested? What Are The Benefits?

While municipal water sources are regularly tested for water quality and to detect any issues, private homes and pipes often are not tested. If you have high levels of lead in your pipes or another such issue with your property, the water entering your home could be contaminated. 


Having your water tested will give you valuable peace of mind, because you’ll know exactly what’s in your pipes, and you can take steps to remedy any potential issues that could affect the health of you and your family.




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